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Flower Day
Every year, on the second Saturday of June, students bring flowers to school. This is what we call ‘Flower Day.’ The flowers are arranged in buckets for the morning service, creating a beautiful scene in the chapel.
After the morning service, the flowers are made into bouquets in preparation for taking them to various homes for older people, as well as children, in Shizuoka. One of the second-year high school classes, along with a few teachers, rose to the challenge of making 79 bouquets in forty-five minutes. It was a busy time, but very creative, and maybe the beginning of a future career as a florist for some of our students!
In the afternoon, over 200 of our students set off on foot or by bus, flowers in hand, to visit a variety of old-age and children’s homes in Shizuoka city, presenting the flowers to the residents. At the homes they sang songs or played games. The brass band, chorus club and the hand bell club also performed at three places. This is one of three such opportunities throughout the year for our girls to have this type of chance to interact with other members of the community around us. At the homes it’s not uncommon to find graduates of Eiwa from many years ago. I was really touched at the facility we visited to have one woman request a graduation song she remembered from her days at Eiwa eighty years ago, and then sing it enthusiastically, word-for-word, along with our students.
Many thanks to everyone who so thoughtfully provided flowers for this event, to the homes who allowed us to visit, and to the students who participated.

英和女学院 中学校・高等学校
