Visit by Aoyama Gakuin’s Handbell Choir
As you may know, Shizuoka Eiwa and Aoyama Gakuin have a strong connection as both schools were founded by Protestant missionaries in the early Meiji era. This past week, we were delighted to have Aoyama Gakuin’s handbell choir come and perform at our morning service on Tuesday. For their opening piece, they played a rendition of Psalm 121, “I Will Lift Mine Eyes Unto the Hills.” The second number was an upbeat hymn written in the 1960s which has been very popular in North America ever since – “Lord of the Dance.”
In addition to this uplifting performance, the university club also practiced with our own bell choir on Monday afternoon. Despite the current heat, it won’t be long before Christmas arrives, and our handbell club is in full swing and getting ready for a busy schedule of shows this fall. Monday was a great chance for them to meet and get some advice from their Aoyama Gakuin ‘seniors’ -- I think these happy faces tell it all!