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カナダ留学だより ウイニペグ 11月 ①
Hi! This is Hana, from Winnipeg🍁
November has started! It is getting colder and colder. It is snowing almost everyday.

On the 1st of November, we had a meeting with high school students who belong to YiP (Youth in Philanthropy). We heard about this year's activity policy and the companies that will cooperate with us. First, we listened to instructors talk about what kind of activities they will be doing this year. We also discussed about how and where we can make donations to our city. After that, a lot of companies were at booths within a room. Each company explained using pamphlets and boards about what are they planning and implementing in Winnipeg. One company was planning to set up a refrigerator in town where people could donate leftover meals. Anyone can use it, and they were trying to put it to reduce food waste and hunger, something that’s become a big problem now. Also, other companies were thinking about universal design so that everyone can have a comfortable life. The shapes of chairs and handrails in parks and other places were designed to make them easier for people without disabilities to use.

We can say “Let’s make a better town" easily, but I learned that there are various ways to look at it, depending on which perspective you look at it from. We went back to school and discussed what can we do other than what we heard. It's a small thing that we can do, but if we all work together, we can make it big. It is important that each individual acts with awareness.

11月1日に、ウィニペグ市内でYiP (Youth in Philanthropy)のある学校が集まり、今年の活動方針や協力してくださる会社などのお話を聞きました。まず、講師の方が今年はどのような活動をしていくかについて話してくださいました。また、私たちは募金・寄付の仕方や場所について話し合いました。後半は、様々な会社がそれぞれブースにわかれ、私たちは興味のあるところに話を聞きにいきました。ウィニペグの街をより良くしていくために、それぞれの会社が企画・実行していることをパンフレットやボードを使って説明してくださいました。ある会社は食事の残り物などを寄付する冷蔵庫を町に置くことを計画していました。誰でも利用でき、今問題となっている食品ロスや、飢餓を減らすために実行に移そうとしていました。また、他の会社では誰もが過ごしやすいように、ユニバーサルデザインを考えていました。公園などの椅子や手すりの形を、障害のある人もない人も使いやすいように工夫していました。

November 11th is Remembrance Day. It evolved from Armistice Day and is a day to commemorate those who died in war. It is carried out in lot of countries, starting from the UK. On that day, we had a poppy sticker to put on our outfit. It is to show condolences. Memorial Day is observed on November 11th to remember the end of hostilities during World War I. The 11th was a Saturday, so the entire school gathered on Friday the 10th for a memorial meeting. At that time, we watched videos of veterans and sang the national anthem.

Also, in my English class, we started to read the book named "A Long Way Gone." It is written about war. It is a story about boy soldiers who fight between the ages of 12-15 in the midst of a civil war in Sierra Leone, a small country in West Africa. This book is written by the writer who actually served as a boy solider.
We saw the movie "The Little Traitor" to deepen our understanding of wars and civil wars. It is a story about a little boy who became friends with enemy soldiers. It was written from the perspective of the boy's family and the community involved.
In this way, the fact that there was a war is passed down through the generations in books and movies. We must accept this fact and think about a world where war will never happen.

11月11日はRemembrance dayです。Remembrance dayとは、休戦記念日から発展し、戦争で亡くなった方を追悼する日のことです。イギリスを中心に様々な国で行われています。追悼のためのポピーの花を身につけて過ごしました。第一次世界大戦の敵対行為の終結を思い出すために、11月 11日に戦没将兵追悼記念日が定められています。11日は土曜日で学校が休みなので、10日の金曜日に全校で集まり、追悼のための集会が開かれました。集会では退役軍人の方のビデオを見たり、国歌を歌ったりしました。

また、英文学の授業では、その日にちなんでA Long Way Gone(戦場から生き延びて)という戦争についての本を読み始めました。内戦が続いた西アフリカの小さなシエラレオネという国での12歳から15歳まで、内戦の真っ只中で闘った子どもたちが主人公の話です。この本は実際に少年兵として出兵した作者によって書かれています。
戦争や内戦についての理解を深めるために、The Little Traitor(小さな裏切り者)という映画を見ました。敵国の兵士と仲良くなった小さな男の子と、それに関わる男の子の家族や地域の目について描かれていました。
It was Spirit Week! Our school council members planned a Grade War with the goal of uniting the school and grades. We had a lot of competition events at lunch break between each grade. Each student came to school wearing clothes that matched the theme for each day of the week.

On Monday, we went to school with matching outfits. The theme was "Twin day.” My friends and I wore black shirts and matching pants. Some of the teachers were also wearing matching clothes. The students wore a lot of kinds of outfits, with some students matching only the colors and others wearing the exact same clothes.

On Tuesday, we had Athlete vs Mathlete Jeopardy game. Five people from each grade came to the stage and answered questions. Surprisingly, our 11th grade got the highest score🙌

On Wednesday, all the students came to school wearing the colors for each grade. In the afternoon class, there was a Pep Rally, and all the students gathered in the gym. There was an introduction to the activities of the sports clubs and other club activities, as well as a dance performance by Indian students. Both students and teachers had a great time.

On Thursday, it was No Backpack day. We went to school with no backpack. Some students came to school with carrying cases, tote bags, and even large candy boxes or wheelbarrows. I was surprised by a lot of their ideas. Also, there was a karaoke competition during the lunch break. Many students sang various songs. At the end, everyone in the room sang Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off.”

On Friday, the theme was Barbie vs Oppenheimer. Students came to school dressed in pink dresses and black suits.

As a result, the winner was the 12th grade (3rd year of high school), and we, the 11th graders, came in second place. This week, I enjoyed school events with my friends, and I feel that the unity among the students has deepened. I was also able to talk with friends that I don't usually talk to. I had a great time.

今週はSpirit Weekです!生徒会の人たちが、学校と学年の団結を目的としたGrade War(学年対抗イベント)を計画しました。昼休みに食堂でイベントがあり、それぞれの曜日ごとテーマに合った服装で登校します。


火曜日は、食堂でAthlete vs Mathlete(Mathleteとは数学のmathとアスリートをかけた言葉です)というテーマでのクイズ大会がありました。学年でそれぞれ5人、前に出て回答者になります。なんと私たち11年生(高2)が最高得点を出しました🙌

水曜日は、学年ごと指定された色の服を着て登校しました。午後の授業ではPEP Rallyがあり、全校生徒が体育館に集まりました。運動部を中心に部活の活動内容の紹介や、インド系の生徒による踊りなどが披露されました。生徒も先生方も一緒にとても盛り上がりました。

木曜日は、No Backpack Dayで、生徒たちはバックパック以外のもので登校しました。キャリーケースやトートバック、中には大きなお菓子の箱や一輪車で登校している生徒もいて発想力の豊かさに驚きました。また、昼休みにカラオケ大会があり、たくさんの生徒が色々な曲を歌いました。最後はTaylor Swiftの Shake it Off をその場にいた全員で歌いました。

金曜日は、Barbie vs Oppenheimer(バービーvsオッペンハイマー=同日公開された2つの映画のタイトルです) というテーマで、それぞれピンク色の服や黒のスーツのような格好で登校しました。

結果は、総合優勝が12年生(高3)で、私たち11年生は2位でした。 この1週間、友達と一緒に学校のイベントに参加して、学年同士の団結が深まったと感じます。また、普段はあまり話さない友達とも一緒に話すことができ、とても良い時間を過ごすことができました。
On Saturday, my host mother made us rice, so we made hand-rolled sushi. We ate it with shrimps and crab sticks and rolled it with seaweed. I hadn’t eaten Japanese foods for a while, so I felt it was so delicious.

I will give thanks for these great days.


See you soon♪

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