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ニュージーランド留学だより 9月
This month was my last month for my study abroad.

I volunteered at the JAPAN FESTIVAL. My role was social media so I took photos and movies and then posted them to Instagram. Many people came there. There were many different Japanese shops there. There was food, clothes, accessories, etc. There were also performances of kendo, Japanese songs, Soran Bushi, etc. I could make friends there. We worked a whole day. I was tired but that was an amazing day.
When I went to the supermarket, they were selling Oreo-flavored cola and cola-flavored Oreo. I tried Oreo-flavored cola. That was interesting.

JAPAN FESTIVALでボランティアをしました。私の役割はソーシャルメディアで、写真と動画を撮ってインスタグラムに投稿することでした。たくさんの人が来ました。食べ物のお店や服、アクセサリーなどのお店が出店してました。ステージの場も設けられてました。そこでは、剣道、歌、ソーラン節などのステージがありました。ボランティアに参加していたこの中で友達を作ることができました。一日準備から片付けまでやって疲れたけどとても楽しかったです。

I went to WOW with my host family which was a kind of fashion show and circus. It is a famous show in Wellington.

My study abroad has come to an end. I already miss my host family and friends. I was glad to meet my awesome friends. I could learn about other cultures and LGBTQ things. When I went to New Zealand, my lifestyle habits got better.
I am filled with gratitude for my family, friends and teachers.


◆ニュージーランド ウエリントン
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・2024年07月 ニュージーランド留学だより
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英和女学院 中学校・高等学校
