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ニュージーランド留学だより 7月
Term 2 ended and I had term break in July. Recently I started term 3. I’m already a bit sad.


I had a dance show for three nights at the start of July. It was called “Mosaic.”
We practiced hard in every class. We did ballet and Irish dance. Many people came there. It was successful.

I went to watch a movie with my friend. The cinema was bigger than in Japan and the seats were very fluffy. We watched "Inside out 2." This story was focused on emotions. It was interesting to see so many emotions going through the main character's head. It was released a month earlier than in Japan.

I had my birthday in term break. My host mother made an ice cream cake for me. It was tasty. My friend came to my house to celebrate my birthday. Moreover, a lot of people sent me messages. It was the best birthday ever.

休み中に誕生日を迎えました。ホストマザーがアイスケーキを作ってくれました。とてもおいしかったです。友達が家まで来て誕生日を祝ってくれました。 たくさんの人が祝ってくれて嬉しかったです。最高の誕生日になりました。

◆ニュージーランド ウエリントン
・2024年04月 ニュージーランド留学だより
・2024年05月 ニュージーランド留学だより
・2024年06月 ニュージーランド留学だより

英和女学院 中学校・高等学校
