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アメリカ留学だより 3月
This month, I went to Indianapolis and near Chicago to look for a prom dress. I did thorough research beforehand and had a clear idea of the type, color, and style I wanted. However, finding the perfect dress proved to be very difficult, and we visited many stores. When Ifinally found the perfect dress, I was overjoyed. My host mother took me to various shops, and after trying on dozens of dresses, I was able to make a decision.As an exchange student, prom dress is very important to me. I was truly relieved to find the one that felt just right. I chose a silver-tinged purple dress and picked out matching heels and jewelry. Although it was exhausting, it was a really fun experience.


As a senior, I created a senior banner, which is a flag featuring a photo of me in my sports uniform, along with my name, number, and grade. Each sport has a different design for these banners. For our softball team, we took photos with the field as the background. The wind was blowing in the right direction and the weather was perfect, so the pictures turned out beautifully.

I also hung out with my friends since it’s getting to the end of my exchange year. I went to go watch a movie with my friend who came up to me at the very beginning of the year, we have hung out a few times but not very often. It was so much fun and I wish I could’ve had more time to spend with her. On the other day, I hung out with my hospitality/culinary classmate friends. We all are in different grades but we get well really well. Sometimes when we get together we get too crazy but just being with them, I really feel happy and I feel loved.


◆カナダ ウイニペグ
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英和女学院 中学校・高等学校
