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アメリカ留学だより 2月
This month, we had something called Senior Night. It's a day when 12th graders who participated in sports during the first semester get recognized and celebrated. I got invited to Senior Night because I joined the dance team for a short while and gave it my all until the end. I walked through the gym holding hands with my mom and dad. Even my grandparents came from far away to support me. I was really nervous, but Senior Night was so special and made me really happy. I received gifts and cards from my team, friends, school, and many others. It's a day I'll never forget. I'm so grateful to have been able to do my favorite thing, dancing, while studying abroad. I'm full of gratitude, and I hope to keep dancing in the future if I get the chance.

I made a senior board with my host mother. A senior board is a large board with photos that show who you are and your memories. We chose photos from my past, and it was more work than I expected because we needed a lot of pictures. As I made it, I felt nostalgic remembering old times.


On the 22nd, our school's talent show called "Big Broadcast" took place in the school theater. Six members of the dance team passed the audition and were able to perform the dance. I made sure to practice the dance for the broadcast as much as possible within my club activities, from 15:15 to 16:30 for the dance team and from 17:00 to 18:30 for the softball team.

ビッグ・ブロードキャストという学校のタレントショーが学校のシアターで行われました。ダンス部ではオーディションで6名が受かり、ダンスを披露することができました。毎日15:15から16:30までダンス部、17:00から 18:30までソフトボール部があるのでブロードキャストのダンスをなるべく部活内で完璧になるまで練習することを心がけました。

アメリカ留学だより 3月

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