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カナダ留学だより ウイニペグ5月①
Hi! This is Hana, from Winnipeg🍁
This month is Asian heritage month! For the morning announcement, we are playing famous Asian songs. We played Tagalog, Thai, Chinese and Japanese music. For Japanese songs, we played "Into the Night" and "LOST IN PARADISE". Many students were talking about those songs so I felt very happy!

A kitchen truck comes to school every Friday during the month for lunch. They sell a lot of kinds of food, mainly Japanese food with a Canadian taste. I tried the okonomiyaki-style poutine, which is french fries topped with sauce, mayonnaise, green seaweed, and okaka. The ingredients are different, but it tastes like okonomiyaki because of the seasonings. It was yummy! Poutine is a famous Canadian fast-food and it has gravy sauce and bits of cheese on top of french fries. My friend and I ate it and we talked about eating real okonomiyaki someday.

今月は Asian heritage monthです。朝の校内放送で、アジアの国の有名な歌や人気の歌を流しました。タガログ語(フィリピン)やタイ語、中国語、日本語の歌も流しました。「夜に駆ける」や「LOST IN PARADISE」が流れました。日本の曲を聴いて、色々な国の人が「この歌知ってる!」と話していて、日本人としてなんだか嬉しかったです♪

The senior members of the club went to a workshop and created and presented materials about the roots and cultures of Asian countries. They also had a banner displayed on the stage in the Commons. I hope this will be an opportunity to get people from various countries interested in Asia.

We learnt about Terry Fox in TA class. He was a Canadian athlete, humanitarian, and cancer research activist. In 1980, with one leg having been amputated due to cancer, he embarked on an east-to-west cross-Canada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research. We think of that person at this time every year, as students walk around the track wearing the clothes designated for each grade. But this time, it was raining that day, so we went to the Commons to learn about him from a video and presentation by students and teachers. All the students wrote their names on a banner. I could learn one more thing about Canada. There are still many things I don't know about Canada and the world. I would like to continue to have more opportunities to learn about them in various situations.


TAの時間に「Terry Fox」について学びました。Terry Foxとは、元スポーツ選手で癌の研究について活動をしていた人です。1980年に癌で自身の片足をなくしてからも、癌の研究のために、カナダを東から西へ歩いて横断した、と言われています。その人を偲んで、毎年この時期に学年ごとに指定された服を着て、校庭を歩きます。今回もその予定でしたが、雨が降ってしまい歩く事が出来なかったので、食堂でその人に関するビデオを見たり、生徒と先生によるプレゼンテーションがありました。最後に、横断幕に生徒全員が気持ちを込めてサインを書きました。
May 12th was Mother’s Day in Canada. An exchange student from Thailand and I made some boiled eggplants and kakiage tempura for our host mother. And also we told her our thankful feelings. I was really happy that not only my mother but everyone said they liked it. There are many things that cannot be conveyed just by thinking. I once again realized that it is important to express yourself through your actions, words, and attitudes.


I would like to spend my days without forgetting my gratitude until I return to Japan.


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