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カナダ留学だより ビクトリア 12月
This month, I've had various experiences, including Christmas and winter break.
At the beginning of December, there was a gathering for Advent. In my classroom, candles were lit, and we offered prayers.


Before Christmas at school, we had events to celebrate Christmas. We decorated the classroom doors, and some students were wearing Santa hats or headbands inspired by Christmas motifs. During lunchtime, we got hot chocolate and sweets. On the last day before winter break, each class made a gingerbread-house and we decided which class’s gingerbread is the best. Also, in the religion class, we held a Christmas party! Everyone brought items such as meat, vegetables, fruits, crackers, and cakes. These activities were a very meaningful and enjoyable time for us.

I visited Butchart Gardens during the winter break, and it was beautifully decorated for Christmas. Also, there are wonderful illuminations. The Christmas theme at Butchart Gardens was ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas.’ The lyrics mention various items, such as a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, three French hens, four calling birds, five golden rings, six geese a-laying, seven swans a-swimming, eight maids a-milking, nine ladies dancing, ten lords a-leaping, eleven pipers piping, and twelve drummers drumming. These elements have been incorporated throughout the entire garden. While "The Twelve Days of Christmas" may not be as familiar in Japan, it is a catchy song that adds to the festive atmosphere during the Christmas season. Even though I am planning to spend next Christmas in Japan, I am looking forward to listening to the song again and I will listen to this song with my family and friends.

冬休みに入り、ブッチャートガーデン(有名な庭園)を訪れ、美しいクリスマスイルミネーションを楽しみました。ブッチャートガーデンのクリスマスのテーマは「The Twelve Days of Christmas(クリスマスの12日間)」でした。クリスマスを祝う歌のひとつで、クリスマスからカトリックの公現祭までの「クリスマスの12日」に毎日もらった贈り物がテーマになっていました。歌詞に登場する "ナシの木に止まるヤマウズラ、キジバト2羽、フランスのメンドリ3羽、鳴いている小鳥4羽、金の指輪5つ、卵を返すガチョウ6羽、泳いでいる白鳥7羽、授乳している女中8人、踊っている女性9人、ジャンプする領主10人、笛吹き11人、ドラマー12人" が園内を巡っていると見られます。日本ではあまり馴染みのないクリスマスソングだと思いますが、とてもキャッチーな曲でクリスマスシーズンの雰囲気を盛り上げる曲です。私は来年のクリスマスは日本で過ごしますが、その時にもまた家族や友達と一緒に聞きたいと思います。

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英和女学院 中学校・高等学校
